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PreOrder Clock

PreOrder Clock

Regular price ¥5,982 JPY
Regular price ¥5,982 JPY Sale price ¥5,982 JPY
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Select the button above to give you a preview of what Structured Data is added by JSON-LD for SEO. You'll see both Product and Organization. Click on either to see the structured data that has been added.

There will be multiple sets of data. Use this article to determine which data is coming from JSON-LD for SEO.

This product is to demonstrate an option to configure PreOrders in JSON-LD for SEO.

Blue Clock Out Of Stock has no inventory available but does have the "continue selling when out of stock" option selected.

Inventory setting in Shopify product admin showing that the product can continue to be sold when out of stock

Blue Clock Pre Order only has inventory and is considered InStock but we are designating this product as PreOrder.

Inventory setting in Shopify product admin showing that the product is available

Both variants have a product tag assigned and configured in JSON-LD for SEO to use that tag and return the product availability as PreOrder.

Additionaly Product Availability settings in JSON-LD for SEO that allows you to set a tag for PreOrders. The tag is set to Pre-Order Test

The final variant is out of stock and does not allow overbuying. This will show as OutOfStock in the product availability.

Select the button above to review the structured data. Select Product and scroll down. On the right site, you'll see Availability along with status of PreOrder.

Learn more about how to test and evaluate the JSON-LD, microdata or structured data code on your Shopify store.

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